AH&A “Our House” Bonus Episode: Live!

“Our House” Live at Caveat

Back in July 2018, we hosted a live storytelling show featuring stories about “taking power back” to raise money and enlist new volunteers for Swing Left to help flip the House. Here are two stories we heard that night, from Swing Left political director Adrienne Lever; and award-winning storyteller Mark Pagán.

Keep up with Swing Left at swingleft.org

Find Art, Humanity & Action on Twitter (twitter.com/arthumanityact), Instagram (instagram.com/arthumanityaction), and www.arthumanityaction.com

OUR HOUSE Credits:
Production and editing by Jeff Rose.
Music by Audioblocks.
Hosted by Nicole Ferraro.

Swing Left is a national grassroots movement that helps you find the most impactful things you can do to help Democrats win the most important elections. The work to take back our government in 2020 starts NOW—sign at swingleft.org to receive actions you can take as they become available.